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How EE Used Gamification to Boost Employee Engagement & Skills

Especially today, continuous learning and development are essential for any company's success.

In fact, in a recent survey of Millenials (now 1/3 of the US workforce) by PricewaterhouseCoopers, they ranked "Opportunities for career progression" and "Excellent training & development programs" as the first and third MOST important factors respectively when choosing which company to work for.

That's why it's CRITICAL to ensure that your company's training programs are as engaging as possible.

EE, the UK's largest largest mobile operator was able to successfully leverage gamification and remarkable results – including an impressive knowledge assessment score of 99% and 92% of staff reporting increased digital skills.

Let's talk about how they did it.

The Challenge

Studies have shown that the effectiveness of most online training is very low.

In fact, according to a recent study by Harvard University, engagement and completion rates for online training & development is as low as 3.13%!

This means the vast majority of employees just aren't engaging with and completing the training material being offered to them by most companies. And it goes without saying that employees can’t learn, grow & develop if they don’t actually finish the training.

Enter EE.

Like many large organizations, faced the challenge of keeping their employees engaged and motivated to participate in training programs. Despite offering extensive resources for learning and development, the company struggled with low participation rates and a general lack of enthusiasm among employees.

This issue was particularly pressing as the telecommunications industry is rapidly evolving, requiring employees to continuously update their digital skills to stay competitive.

The Solution: Gamified LMS

To address this challenge, EE decided to implement a gamified LMS. Gamification involves incorporating game design elements, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive challenges, into non-game contexts. By making learning more engaging and enjoyable, gamification can significantly boost participation and motivation.

Key Elements of EE's Gamification Strategy

  1. Points and Badges – EE introduced a points and badges system to reward employees for completing various training modules, participating in workshops, and contributing to collaborative projects.

    Each action earned points, which could be accumulated over time. Badges were awarded for specific achievements, such as mastering a new skill or completing a series of related courses.

    This system created a sense of accomplishment and encouraged employees to engage more actively in their learning journey.
  2. Leaderboards – To foster a healthy sense of competition, EE implemented leaderboards that displayed the top performers in various training programs. Employees could see their rankings and compare their progress with colleagues.

    This not only motivated individuals to improve their standings but also promoted a collaborative learning environment where employees could encourage and challenge each other.
  3. Quests and Challenges – EE designed quests and challenges that employees could undertake individually or in teams. These quests were structured around real-world business scenarios and required participants to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems. Completing quests earned employees additional points and badges, further incentivizing participation and engagement.
  4. Rewards and Recognition –EE linked the points and badges system to tangible rewards and recognition.

    Employees could redeem their points for various perks, such as professional development opportunities, exclusive access to company events, and even small prizes.

    Additionally, top performers received public recognition within the company, which boosted morale and reinforced the value of continuous learning.

The Results

The introduction of the gamified LMS at EE led to impressive results.

The company's knowledge assessment scores soared to 99%, indicating that employees were not only participating in the training programs but also retaining the information effectively.

Even better, 92% of the staff reported that the gamified LMS had increased their digital skills, a critical metric for success in the telecommunications industry.

The gamified approach transformed the learning experience for EE employees, making it more engaging, interactive, and enjoyable. This, in turn, led to higher participation rates and better learning outcomes.

The competitive and rewarding nature of the gamified system encouraged continuous learning and development, leading to improved performance and innovation within the company.

Key Takeaways

EE's success with gamification offers valuable insights for other organizations looking to enhance employee engagement:

  • Make Learning Fun: Incorporating game elements like points, badges, and leaderboards can make routine tasks more enjoyable and engaging.
  • Foster Healthy Competition: Leaderboards can motivate employees to improve their performance and engage more deeply with training programs.
  • Offer Tangible Rewards: Linking points and badges to real-world rewards can significantly boost engagement and morale.
  • Design Relevant Challenges: Structuring quests and challenges around real business scenarios makes learning more relevant and impactful.

By embracing gamification, EE created a dynamic and engaging workplace, driving better outcomes for both employees and the organization. This approach can serve as a model for other companies seeking to enhance their training programs and overall employee engagement.

Can We Help?

We have a number of ways we can help you to understand the role that gamification can play in your corporate learning environment.

First, we offer the industry-leading gamified LMS platform Engagify, which has been purpose-built to dramatically increase student engagement thanks to a collection of unique features proven to work for any subject, topic or industry.

Second, Engagify's founders offer consulting services that are as unique as the companies who hire us and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each company we work with.

With our deep understanding of the principles of gamification and experience design, we have:

  • Redesigned signature programs & courses from the ground up for dramatically increased engagement
  • Created entire student and employee program & training curriculums, with accompanying implementation plans

From the self-help industry, to non-profits & charter schools, to Inc 5000 companies, since 2011 we've consulted with and coached the CEOs and executive teams of thousands of companies around the world.

Whether it's creating a custom training program that aligns with your company's goals & values or creating powerful & engaging educational experiences that capture the attention and interest of your employees and customers, we have 10 years of proven expertise to help you achieve and exceed your learning objectives.

Get in touch with us here