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Closing the Gap: Using Feedback to Improve Learning Outcomes

Training isn't easy. You have a lot to cover, limited time, and you want it to actually stick. But the truth is, most training is built on shaky ground - what people think learners need, not what they really do.

That's where the magic of feedback loops comes in. Imagine a constant conversation with your learners, figuring out what's working, what's not, and how to make things even better.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Talk to the people involved: Before, during, and after training, chat with your learners and their bosses. Ask them what they need, how things are going, and what could be improved.
  • Surveys are your friend: Quick polls before and after training help you understand what people already know and how much they've learned.
  • Checkpoints throughout: Sprinkle in mini-surveys and discussions as people go through the training. This way, you can catch any confusing bits early on.
  • Metrics matter: Keep an eye on how people are engaging with the training. Are they logging in regularly? Finishing assignments? This shows you where their interest is (or isn't).

Don't just listen, talk back too!

  • Welcome them aboard: Set expectations upfront and give learners some tips to get the most out of the program.
  • High fives for progress: Acknowledge people's achievements and keep them motivated.
  • Share the knowledge: Show everyone how the training is paying off with cool charts and data.
  • Answer their questions: Create a space for discussion, and respond to their queries promptly.

Learning shouldn't be a one-way street. Make it contagious!

  • Empower people to share their wins: Give them templates and tools to showcase their new skills to colleagues.
  • Connect the dots: Encourage managers to check in with their teams and see how the training is making a difference in their work.
  • Learn from each other: Set up groups where people who've gone through the program can share their experiences and help others.

Real stories make the best teachers.

  • Show, don't tell: Highlight real-life examples of people who've crushed their goals thanks to the training.
  • Address common roadblocks: Talk about the challenges people face and how others have overcome them.
  • Make it personal: Use quotes and feedback from learners to show the program's impact.

The more you talk, the better your training gets.

By constantly gathering feedback and using it to improve, your training goes from "good enough" to "awesome". You'll see a real difference in how people learn, retain information, and actually apply what they've learned to their everyday work.

Ditch the guesswork, get real feedback, and watch your training soar!

Can We Help?

We have a number of ways we can help you to understand the role that gamification can play in your corporate learning environment.

First, we offer the industry-leading gamified LMS platform Engagify, which has been purpose-built to dramatically increase student engagement thanks to a collection of unique features proven to work for any subject, topic or industry.

Second, Engagify's founders offer consulting services that are as unique as the companies who hire us and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each company we work with.

With our deep understanding of the principles of gamification and experience design, we have:

  • Redesigned signature programs & courses from the ground up for dramatically increased engagement
  • Created entire student and employee program & training curriculums, with accompanying implementation plans

From the self-help industry, to non-profits & charter schools, to Inc 5000 companies, since 2011 we've consulted with and coached the CEOs and executive teams of thousands of companies around the world.

Whether it's creating a custom training program that aligns with your company's goals & values or creating powerful & engaging educational experiences that capture the attention and interest of your employees and customers, we have 10 years of proven expertise to help you achieve and exceed your learning objectives.

Get in touch with us here