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Beyond Information: Making Enterprise Training Experiential

Conventional training often lacks inspiration beyond presenting dry information.

But science shows experiences drive attention, encode memories and spark action better than logic alone.

Learning programs activating engagement through experiential training better equip organizations (and their people) to motivate change.

The Gap in Traditional Training

Many Learning & Development approaches still stem from antiquated classroom lecturing models.

Someone presents while a passive audience zones out. Minimal retention results from monotone sessions forgetting unique learner needs.

Thankfully technology now provides abundant digital options better resonating with today's learners. Yet solely digitizing ineffective techniques brings little progress if the underlying paradigm stays rooted in passive compliance.

The ingredient missing is experience.

Psychology confirms experiences that stir our emotions enjoy recall and response advantages over purely logical instruction. People invest discretionary effort mastering skills shown to profoundly expand potential.

This revelation is directing leading development functions towards “learning experience design.” Employee education advances by focusing less on information and more feeling. Training transforms into fulfilling journeys revealing possibilities for those traversing unfamiliar terrain. Suddenly sterile teaching gives way to stirring adventures drawing out greatness.

Introducing “Peak Emotional Experiences”

The late psychologist Abraham Maslow pioneered documenting moments of extraordinary wonder he termed “Peak Experiences.” These ephemeral events infuse ephemeral insight through temporarily transcending day-to-day consciousness.

Common catalysts include art, intellect breakthroughs and spiritual connections. Time may seem suspended while sensing profound unity with the universe. Reality crystallizes into technicolor vibrancy as if seeing the ordinary for the first time.

Of course workplace training won’t reproduce psychedelic epiphanies. But thoughtfully incorporating emotive elements generates memorable impetus helping concepts convert into habits. When employees feel ideas at gut level, skills stick better than through slick presentations alone.

This article shares techniques for interweaving inspiration into learning. Best practices stem from examining how emotions unconsciously shape decisions and tightly held assumptions. By repeatedly reframing perception, transformation unfolds.

The Power of Story

Stories hold influence unmatched by stats alone because listeners picture themselves facing similar crossroads. Visioning desired choices models internal paths ahead. Vivid language previews life elevated by new capabilities.

Share your own growth memories overcoming initial paralysis implementing advanced techniques. Vulnerability breeds safety for teams to take risks.

Spotlight client narratives showing how mastering training competencies enabled exceeding personal expectations. Relatable protagonists captivate peers by revealing multidimensional contributors beyond job titles.

Recognize volunteers bravely demonstrating emerging skills despite trepidation during a practice session. This seeds courage making behavior shifts habitual.

Sensory Immersion

Dull sessions drone on as interchangeable talking heads hypnotically reading bullet points verbatim off slides. Flashy visual gimmicks only temporarily combat inevitable audience fatigue. But multi-channel immersion sustainably holds attention through replicating real world mental demands. Learning sticks better when shown relevant beyond classrooms.

For example, a course on crisis leadership could incorporate:

  • News clips displaying responses to major events
  • Audio from high-pressure conference calls
  • Text conveying rapid-fire instant messages
  • Timed challenges solving complex emergent dilemmas

Such multimedia coordination mirrors actual cognitive overload during pivotal moments. Learners fortify focus against distractions by repeatedly directing attention amid external stimuli chaos.

Embedded group discussions likewise require concentrating concepts into succinct reactions when participating. Practice cementing key takeaways builds communication clarity skills translatable back on the job.

Augment imagination through language eliciting visceral senses - the taste of celebratory drinks after a launch, glance conveying team trust as projects proceed smoothly, sigh hearing non-stop phones finally quieting. Link learning to emotional memories already resonating.

The Power Of Surprise

Expected routines generate complacency and disengagement. Pattern interruptions shatter entrenched assumptions revealing alternate perspectives. Sudden surprises captivate focus as minds determine appropriate responses. With defenses lowered in disoriented moments, counterintuitive concepts permeate more deeply.

Rotate program modules randomly rather than rigid order. Interleave unrelated topics to broaden thinking. Mix channels like podcasts or offline small group tasks between online content.

Ask “why” repeatedly when learners share certain answers to excavate unquestioned beliefs. Push past obvious responses with curiosity.

Embrace playfulness and humor creating psychological safety for riskier exchanges. Occasional silliness breeds willingness to show vulnerability exploring growth edges.

Cultivating Curiosity

Adults often insist certainty demonstrates credibility despite ambiguity being the norm. Curiosity counters fixed mindsets by perpetually seeking updated clarity as circumstances evolve. Training questioning techniques sustains growth orientation beyond mere skill acquisition.

Seed inquiry through what Maslow labeled “Beginner’s Mind” - imagining encountering concepts for the first time without hardened assumptions. This mental reset allows rediscovering nuance and possibility forgotten over years.

Ask empowering questions engaging learners:
- What is one insight you’ve gained about yourself so far?
- How might you apply this differently than your initial reaction?
- What is one key learning you will bring back to implement?

Model embracing not having all the answers. Think out loud working through uncertainty to expand comfort with the unknown.

Celebrating Small Wins

Major change initiatives often set unrealistic expectations belying incremental integration underlying lasting transformation. Although tackling steep learning curves, most stay motivated through recognized progress rather than distant end goals alone.

Map clear advancement milestones demonstrating competency improvement. Markers should challenge teams while remaining feasible through dedication.

Link program objectives to company growth metrics illustrating indispensable impact from participation. When training directly engages burning organizational priorities, people passionately apply lessons learned.

Frequently celebrate subtle indications of expanded perspectives like speaking up or inquiry rather than just polished final performances. Highlight courage and resilience strengthening nascent skills.

Applying Emotion For Impact

Ultimately, activating emotion in learning experiences evolves employee development into something far beyond merely checking annual requirement boxes.

Effective corporate education in this era demands embracing more resonant paradigms. Training focused solely on rote skills acquisition severely shortchanges ubiquitous human potential.

But thoughtfully incorporating inspiration, meaning and insight unlocks discretionary greatness by revealing growth pathways aligned with peoples’ highest motivations.

Allow peak moments to unveil the deeper possibilities behind your mission. Have courage to lead hearts, not just minds. Recognize that people, not budgets, manifest the future.

Your organization now stands ready to elevate society by empowering staff to discover their best selves through learning felt at a much deeper level.

Can We Help?

We have a number of ways we can help you to understand the role that gamification can play in your corporate learning environment.

First, we offer the industry-leading gamified LMS platform Engagify, which has been purpose-built to dramatically increase student engagement thanks to a collection of unique features proven to work for any subject, topic or industry.

Second, Engagify's founders offer consulting services that are as unique as the companies who hire us and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each company we work with.

With our deep understanding of the principles of gamification and experience design, we have:

  • Redesigned signature programs & courses from the ground up for dramatically increased engagement
  • Created entire student and employee program & training curriculums, with accompanying implementation plans

From the self-help industry, to non-profits & charter schools, to Inc 5000 companies, since 2011 we've consulted with and coached the CEOs and executive teams of thousands of companies around the world.

Whether it's creating a custom training program that aligns with your company's goals & values or creating powerful & engaging educational experiences that capture the attention and interest of your employees and customers, we have 10 years of proven expertise to help you achieve and exceed your learning objectives.

Get in touch with us here