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5 Essential Gamification Strategies to Increase Onboarding Engagement

I don't mean to make it awkward between us, but I don't need to say how important it is to make a good first impression on new employees, right?

(Great. Just checking.)

So why are you still giving new hires a bad onboarding experience?

(There, I made it awkward again.)

I'm asking the question because the stats paint a pretty dire picture.

Most Employees Hate Their Company's Onboarding

Gallup analytics found that only 12% of U.S. employees believe that the company they work for has a good onboarding process. The same group found that nearly one in five employees has had a poor onboarding experience or none at all. [1]

This indicates employees just aren't satisfied with their organization’s onboarding process.

Gallup also found that employees who reported “exceptional” onboarding experiences were 2.6 times more likely to be extremely satisfied with their organization.

(Obvious if you think about it.)

So we're agreed – the process of welcoming them and getting them up to speed, which we call onboarding, is super crucial.

Mess this up, and you'll waste (in some cases) hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed opportunity cost and replacement of people.

Gamification Has Entered the Chat...

Here's where it gets fun – literally.

We're talking about turning onboarding into a game that your people will love.

Imagine adding game stuff like points, badges, and leaderboards to the onboarding journey. It turns the whole "hey, welcome to the team" experience into something engaging and, dare we say, fun.

This way, new folks are not just sitting through endless presentations but are actively participating and getting excited about their new roles.

Now, why would you want to make onboarding a game? Here are some cool reasons:

  • It makes the whole process a lot more fun, so people are more into it.
  • Newbies learn things faster and remember them better because who doesn't like a good quiz or challenge?
  • It helps new hires bond and work together, which is always a plus.
  • Everyone knows how they're doing, thanks to clear progress indicators.
  • It's a neat way to show what your company is all about – its culture and values.
  • Happy new employees tend to stick around longer.

Ready for some game plans? Here are five ways to gamify your onboarding:

  1. Leaderboards: Let new hires see how they're doing and inspire a friendly competition.
  2. Badges and Rewards: Celebrate achievements and keep the motivation high.
  3. Level Up: Keep things interesting with new challenges and learning materials.
  4. Interactive Quizzing: Make learning organic, interactive and fun.
  5. Checklists: There's satisfaction in ticking off completed tasks, right?

And some tips on making it work:

  • Make sure the game vibes match what new employees like and what your company stands for.
  • Be clear about what you're aiming to achieve with these games.
  • Everyone should be able to join in, no matter the device.
  • Ask for feedback and tweak things to make the experience even better.
  • Encourage teamwork rather than turning it into a cutthroat competition.

How will you know it's working? Keep an eye on:

  • Whether people are sticking around longer.
  • How engaged and active new hires are.
  • How quickly they're getting the hang of things.
  • And, of course, what they're telling you about the experience.

The takeaway? Making onboarding a game is not just a trend; it's a game-changer.

Companies are catching on that this is the way forward if you want a team that's not just talented but also happy and engaged.



Can We Help?

We have a number of ways we can help you to understand the role that gamification can play in your corporate learning environment.

First, we offer the industry-leading gamified LMS platform Engagify, which has been purpose-built to dramatically increase student engagement thanks to a collection of unique features proven to work for any subject, topic or industry.

Second, Engagify's founders offer consulting services that are as unique as the companies who hire us and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each company we work with.

With our deep understanding of the principles of gamification and experience design, we have:

  • Redesigned signature programs & courses from the ground up for dramatically increased engagement
  • Created entire student and employee program & training curriculums, with accompanying implementation plans

From the self-help industry, to non-profits & charter schools, to Inc 5000 companies, since 2011 we've consulted with and coached the CEOs and executive teams of thousands of companies around the world.

Whether it's creating a custom training program that aligns with your company's goals & values or creating powerful & engaging educational experiences that capture the attention and interest of your employees and customers, we have 10 years of proven expertise to help you achieve and exceed your learning objectives.

Get in touch with us here