The only LMS built for

We understand what makes people engage & actually learn.

Why good companies lose great people

A recent survey by revealed that employees are dissatisfied with the online learning provided by their employers, giving it an average NEGATIVE 29 NPS!

On top of that, a massive 40% of them said they wanted gamification added to their training content, with most saying they would change jobs in order to access more engaging learning & development content.

Nobody wants to lose their best people, which most agree is the biggest financial loss any business can experience. That’s where we can help.

Worse, Gallup’s 142-country study shows that only 13% of employees are categorized as “engaged” with their work. In comparison, 24% of the workforce categorized as “Actively Disengaged,” so unhappy with their work that they minimize their productivity, spread negativity, and even sabotage productive efforts.

The Engagify Difference

Scientific and business journals alike are lighting up with article after article showing gamification’s huge positive effect on learner engagement and outcomes.[1][2][3][4][5]

Our 10 types of gamification and powerful psychological triggers can turn your company's training content into a highly engaging experience that employees will love to take.

Compared to other platforms, Engagify has been proven to increase skill retention, build happier & more productive teams, resulting in a higher organizational performance and a greater sense of purpose.

Employee Engagement Chart

Trusted by Thousands of Companies Including:

Linked Selling
Linked Selling
La Terza
La Terza
Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty
Digital Nation
Digital Nation
Tiny Giant
Tiny Giant

Where Engagement Matters Most

Deliver the same great training experience for any scenario and every team – whether they’re your employees, customers, or partners.

Leverage Our 10 Kinds of Unique Gamification

The power of gamification can't be ignored – it's why Silicon Valley has doubled down on these principles to increase screen time for apps & games. We implement the very same concepts in a Learning Management environment and achieve similar levels of engagement among learners.


All the most addictive apps and games give you some kind of points when you take action. It may sound simple, but it works: everyone LOVES to collect points.

When you add points to your course using Engagify, learners will want to keep earning them day and night.

Give points for: watching training content, quiz responses, document uploads, button clicks, commenting and even just participating in the community!


The urge to collect is powerful. People collect to relive their childhood, connect themselves to a period or to a time they feel strongly about.

That's why the most addictive apps and games use them religiously.

In Engagify, your students can earn badges as they take action and participate socially.

Urgency & FOMO

Urgency & Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) are almost never used in Learning & Development, but human nature responds to it, big time, and when used right, it helps learners to prioritize completing their trainings.

That's why Engagify includes 3 different ways to inject urgency & FOMO into online training content.

Variable Rewards

When students encounter something unexpected inside your training material, it puts their brains into a hyper-alert, hyper-engaged mode.

And when students are that engaged, it's much easier for them to get into flow, and become lean, mean, learning machines.

With Engagify, add “Variable Rewards” in various ways to keep learners guessing about what’s coming next and excited to take action.


There's a reason why “gym buddies” help us to keep going to the gym when we would have given up.

Just like a gym buddy, a great community can help students stay motivated, on track and taking action.

Engagify builds a powerful community for you automatically, right from the very first moment.

Social Proof & Competition

Like it or not, people are motivated by social proof and competition.

It's just how our brains work, and when you work with it, rather than against it (like most online course plaforms), you'll see a quick uptick in students taking action.

Engagify incorporates fun ways for your employees to get important social approval & feedback and have a little fun too.


Games personalize the experience to you. They make players feel “seen”, they respond to the player’s actions, and give them a customized journey. That’s part of the reason we love to play them so much.

Why don’t courses do that? With Engagify, now do.


Learners being celebrated for their effort, especially when it's unexpected. Video games do this all the time, but typically, courses don't celebrate us for anything, but typically, courses don't celebrate them for anything.

We've put this idea to work in courses, so that students feel constantly celebrated, validated and motivated.

Sound Effects

Sound effects is another powerful ingredient to add to your learning & development experience.

Sound effects literally make learners look forward to the moment when they earn their points, and they start to associate those sounds with their own success and growth.

Choose a few to use over and over, or randomize them to increase engagement even further!


Up to 70% of us are naturally highly competitive – which is why leaderboards are so popular in apps & games.

They can turn boredom into excitement, letting students know how they're doing as compared to others.

And when the only way to rise in the rankings is to take action, leaderboards encourage people to do just that.

Real Companies, Real Results

37% higher engagement

Deloitte turned their Leadership Academy into a fun, engaging experience by using points, badges & leaderboards and saw a 37% increase in weekly user engagement.

35% increase in knowledge retention

Industry heavyweight SAP used Gamification to create a more dynamic and engaging workplace, resulting in a 35% increase in knowledge retention

99% knowledge score
92% success rate

EE, the UK's largest mobile operator, launched a gamified LMS which lead to an impressive knowledge assessment score of 99%, with 92% of staff saying it had increased their digital skills.

34% higher engagement

Technology education company AccelQ used Engagify to gamify their coding training. Students immediately engaged in a deeper way, with a 34% higher course completion rate and a 12% higher average salary for graduates.

28% higher engagement

Health ecommerce company GetHealthy and their content partners used our unique gamification to an average 28% higher success rate for their consumer customers.

34% engagement
-13% student dropout

LinkedSelling gamified their professional certification program, and after just 1 month, 20% of students had fully completed, 86% had been active and 51% had consumed 50% of the material.


Finance app Tala added gamification in the form of celebrations, perks and encouragement and saw a 14% improvement in how frequently people would pay back their loans on time or early.


Fitness app Strava added gamification such as Variable Rewards such as badges & confetti, and immediately saw a 30% increase in running frequency.


Food tracking app Vimify saw an 11% increase in food-tracking after adding gamification.


Language learning app Duolingo has quickly grown to be the world’s most successful language learning app thanks to implementing many forms of gamification (that Engagify also has.)


Pharma company Omnicare implemented a baseball-themed gamification strategy in 2013 to motivate its help desk team. This resulted in 100% employee participation and reduced customer wait times by 50%.

Our Success Stories...

Pat Henseler

Pat Henseler

Connect 365

At just the 31 day mark 20% have fully completed the certification. 82% of users have been active in the last 18 days. 51% of our users have half of the total XPs available.

Richard Broome

Richard Broome


During a zoom meeting, I did a demo and streamed myself as a student going through the module. When I hit the button to earn some experience points and it played one of the celebrations, I could not believe the expressions of joy on the faces of my students

Tara Wagner

Tara Wagner


JUST launched to 200+ members and we're already getting great feedback. This is a business and mindset course, which can be quite serious at times, so making it fun and exciting is a HUGE motivator!

May Busch

May Busch

Our Challengers are loving the gamification and we're getting so much more engagement than any other event we've run. So glad we discovered you. Thank you and your team!

Carole Freeman

Carole Freeman

Launched our first course. Getting great feedback!

Nathalie Dahl

Nathalie Dahl

RESULTS Consulting

This is unheard of!!! We started our "Experience Sales Masterclass" last Tuesday – an experiential, gamified online class to learn how to have fun and ease when selling – and the engagement is thru the ROOF 😮😮😮 !!!

Engagify uses the latest research into engagement to deliver higher & better learning outcomes for all humans.